About This Special Issue
Diarrhea is mainly associated with sanitation and is considered as a disease of poverty. Diarrhea is an alarming issue particularly in developing nations. Despite the noticeable achievements in the MDGs-4 (to reduce under five children mortality rate by two thirds between 1990 and 2015) globally, thousands of children still die every day and diarrhea is one of the important causes of under five children mortality.
Unlike other diseases, diarrhea is generally not considered as an illness and, thus most diarrheal cases mainly in rural areas are either not managed at all or managed at home through traditional and spiritual approaches. This may be due to diverse beliefs among the parents and elderly family members about childhood diarrhea and its management. Furthermore, the beliefs in different localities even within the same country may vary and act as barrier towards seeking healthcare. Thus, it is imperative to explore and emphasize different factors responsible for hindrance in seeking modern healthcare.
The purpose of this special issue is to invite and stimulate international researchers to carry out researches (qualitative and quantitative) about childhood diarrhea and to submit their valuable research findings for publication.